She Leads Me

Building the Matriarchy with Maureen Devine-Ahl

Heather Simpson Season 3 Episode 82

Maureen is deeply passionate about empowering women and girls to rise and

thrive. As Principal and Founder of Candor & Company, Devine-Ahl provides high-

impact coaching to current and rising female leaders navigating growth and

inclusion challenges. Additionally, she coaches leaders interested in empowering

the women in their lives on active allyship strategies. To support women on the rise in

her community, she’s a member of the Empowerment Council and Development

Committee for Together We Bake, an empowerment-based workforce training

program for women in need.


A strong advocate for gender equality, Maureen is the author of How to Make the

Matriarchy: The Power and Promise of Prioritizing Women. The book takes readers

on a journey to discover the systems, structures, and stories that demonstrate

when women’s empowerment is prioritized, humanity benefits.

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