She Leads Me

Ep. 25 | #AskHeatherEpisode

May 28, 2019 Heather Simpson Season 1 Episode 25

It's our first #AskHeatherEpisode 

We've heard from our listeners and are answering your leadership questions. 

Have a question you'd like to ask Heather? Want to receive a free consult on the air? Email 

Heather answers the following questions today:
Q: I run a team of about 10 people, all with different personality styles… what is the best method to monitor their performance?

Q: In my company, I have a very diverse team of individuals. Some times, disagreements get in the way of moving forward on very important agenda items. How do you manage conflict in an efficient way? Part of me wants to work through this, but there are times where I also want to tell them all to grow up! 

Q: I run my own company and love it! Without the “normal” structure of working for another company. How do I make sure that I am doing the best job I can be doing as a leader? 

Q: How do I know when it’s time to fire someone? This person does a good job at what they do, but we continuously have problems with them in our company. I’m hesitant to fire a good worker bee and also am worried about having an HR nightmare on my hands. 

Listen to Heather's answers as she gives insight with her background and experience to these different questions.